Grants Program

Call for Proposals for the 2014-2015 Small Grants Program

The competitive cycle for the 2014-2015 SOCCIS Small Grants Program has commenced. This cycle will make available mini-grants of up to $5,000 (most will be less than that amount) in support of a major SOCCIS annual activity, including support for such activities as a unique multi-disciplinary course or a regional conference, to be implemented during 2014-2015. SOCCIS Steering Committee representatives from SOCCIS member institutions are invited to submit proposals for the SOCCIS-sponsored program. Grant proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis after they are submitted.

Funded proposals will focus on a topic or theme of relevance to SOCCIS in international or foreign area studies or internationalization of the curriculum - a theme that will benefit from interdisciplinary examination. The selected proposal will also involve active participation of or co-sponsorship by three or more SOCCIS institutions, including a mix of public and private institutions. The program will take place on the campus of a sponsoring SOCCIS member institution.

SOCCIS will provide a small grant, from $500 to a maximum of $5,000, for the program, course or conference. At this level of funding, the activity is thought of as primarily a southern California project or gathering, although some participants may come from other states or countries. These funds may be used for honoraria, travel/lodging, course or conference facilities, and preparation of instructional materials or conference programs.

SOCCIS Small Grant proposals will include an abstract describing the topic and purpose of the program, course or conference, a tentative schedule of activities, including names and affiliation of individuals who would be invited to lecture or make presentations, and a tentative budget. The proposal should also indicate at least three SOCCIS institutions that will participate and the contributions that each campus will make toward the program or conference. One campus will be designated as the lead institution and the SOCCIS Steering Committee representative from that campus must submit the proposal.

Program or conference organizers are encouraged to seek additional funding from other sources if desired, but the SOCCIS component of the program or conference should not be submerged by non-SOCCIS objectives.
An ad hoc committee drawn from the SOCCIS Steering Committee will review proposals, select the winning small grant proposal, and recommend a level of funding.

SOCCIS Small Grants Program Requirements
Each application for a SOCCIS Small Grant will have five sections.

1. Cover Page

  1. Proposed Program, Course or Conference title.
  2. Name of the SOCCIS Steering Committee representative from the lead campus (the campus must be a member of SOCCIS).
  3. Name of the principal faculty organizer for the program, course or conference, campus address, telephone and Email.
  4. Names of representatives from two other SOCCIS member institutions who are involved in the planning and implementation of the program, course or conference. Indicate the campus address and telephone for each.
  5. The proposed dates and campus where the program, course or conference is to take place.

2. Program Narrative (maximum of 2 pages)
Description of the program, course or conference, including the theme/topic, goals and objectives, schedule, lecturers, presenters, and expected audience. Indicate the contributions to be made by the collaborating SOCCIS member institutions and faculty.

3. Budget Page
The budget page should present an overall budget for the proposed program, conference, or course, listing the expenditures associated with the activity. Apart from specifying the amount requested from SOCCIS, the budget should note the funding to be contributed by the cosponsoring institutions and those items that the SOCCIS Small Grants Program would cover.

4. Proposal Attachments, Letters of Support and Other Items
A letter of support for the proposal from each co-sponsoring institution. This may come from the campus representatives or the faculty involved in planning and implementation of the proposed program (they may not be from SOCCIS Steering Committee Members). As appropriate for the proposed program, course syllabi, conference schedule, lecturer/presenter vitae, etc., should be attached.

Post-Program/Conference/Course Report
A program report is required and is to be submitted to the SOCCIS Executive Office within two months of the completion of the program, course or conference supported by a SOCCIS Small Grant. The report should describe the results of the activity and any measures of success that are appropriate. Copies of program, course or conference papers and presentations should be attached to the SOCCIS Small Grants Program report.

SOCCIS Small Grants Program proposal due date:  Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis after the application is complete.

Submit proposals support letters via Email (as a WORD attachment) to:

Communications Office:
Dr. Gary Rhodes, Director
Gary Rhodes, Ph.D. Director
Center for Global Education
Board Member, International and US Pierre de Coubertin Committees
Telephone: (310) 980-6971